Friday 12 April 2013


Self Writing.

''....with IMAGINING change and not immediately in the moment implementing it, we’re inadvertently actually generating more energy for the Mind/Personalities and so make CHANGE difficult for ourselves, because we’ve given the MIND the necessary energy/resources to be able to manipulate ourselves in a moment into/as ENERGY-EXPERIENCE, instead of practical, self-aware, living.'' -Sinette Spies, Heavens Journey to life day 165

Usually this is a dimension that happens so fast just after I engage in and as thinking. Immediately after imagination, I have noticed that I immediately start participating in backchats but this is usually also very fast and it at times seemed difficult to separate these dimensions. Here is what I imagine myself doing/becoming that activate the laziness character in and as myself;

''I imagine myself lying on the couch with the remote on my hand and a snack on a plate, feeling comfortable watching my 'favorite' series/continuing watching my 'favorite' series/a movie etc.''

''After I am done watching TV/movie/series, I tend to go into imagination on how I would have liked the movie to end or I engage in my imagination on what happens next/the suspense''

''I also imagine myself seated/dancing to my 'favorite' tune/song''

''I do as well imagine how I am going to do my tasks like self writing/blogging, how I shall do my house chores or make Vlogs or learn Photoshop.''  I would like to make a note on this point that I usually do not end/never ended up sticking to doing these tasks, I just imagined myself doing them but I end up not doing most of them.

My preference was more to the entertainment part where I entertained myself/mind for long hours and hence ended up doing very few of the tasks that I saw as less entertaining. In this it was obvious to me that at the end of each day, after engaging/indulging myself in and as the positive/ entertaining stuff that I imagined about, I went into the exact opposite of experience where I became sad/felt guilty/lazy for not having fulfilled myself as the tasks that were of value in terms of supporting me/myself realize myself. So this was an energy game, polarity,where id feel good/positive during my fulfillment of my imaginations and negative/bad feelings as I did not do/walk the important tasks for self support. this was a physical consequence of my imagination i.e., it felt good to imagine but the physical consequences were negative/bad feelings and having my tasks/responsibilities pile up to a point where I felt that they were too overwhelming.

I did not live the imagination as practical support for myself to map out the tasks to be done, how I shall go about in doing them and actually doing then till they are all done.

Within this as well, I see how I created change as self in the mind creating more energy for the mind/force as self to thrive and when I was faced with the actual change in a given moment, I as Self Here did not walk through into becoming the actual Change.

I would like to do away with my Old Self that likes to dwell in laziness and imagining change but actually never changes , only energizing the mind more and more. Creating/becoming a NEW me/SELF I know must take determination, dedication, discipline and consistency. To change Self I must walk my day here and as each breath, making the change immediate/instant as the actual doing.


SELF FORGIVENESS: In my next blog.


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