Tuesday, 17 September 2013



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing my self-perception as an idea/reason/excuse/justification of and as my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to nag/whine in defense of myself as my self-perception of and as an idea/reason/excuse/justification of and as my mind because I fear losing myself as this perception.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing myself and my creation within and as my mind as ideas/opinions/excuses/justifications.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to face who I am and hence fear losing as my ideas/opinions/excuses/justification, through self-honesty, self-writing and corrective application so that I can stop who I exist within and as in my mind as my ideas/opinions/excuses/justification, to a real physical being that is always here in and as breath within and as my physical body living as the directive principle of equality and oneness as that which is best for all.

I commit myself to, in the moment when I find myself whining, to immediately stop and breath and stabilize myself back to the reality of the physical as what is HERE and from here, I shall investigate myself what ideas/opinions/excuses/justification I was busy creating and participating within that lead me to whining/nagging, write them down and apply self-forgiveness and correct my living so I can finally put and stop to this whining/nagging for I see/realize that it is only through self-interest that I nag/whine indicating a living that is not best for all. This I will not accept.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to play the superiority/inferiority polarity game of the mind using the perception of myself as an idea/opinion/excuse/justification to establish a point of view that in my whining, I am right and others are wrong and hence I am superior to them and thus they are the ones to change and not myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to impose my ideas/opinions/excuses/justification, onto others that they should accept my self-perception as these ideas/opinions/excuses/justification as right and hence final.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the polarity of right and wrong.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop perceiving who I am as more or less as another though my ideas/opinions/excuses/justification. I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop using whining/nagging as an excuse to feel superior to another for I realize that, the reason I desire to feel superior to others is because, I feel inferior within myself and search for superiority in points outside of myself like whining/nagging, to fulfill my energy desire of superiority, thus keep seesawing between the polarity of superiority and inferiority as I generate energy for my minds survival. From within this, I commit myself to assist and support myself to self-honestly write myself out of whining/nagging and my inferiority complex thereof. I realize that, who I am is simply here within and as my physical breath within and as my body and thus, I do not need to feel superior or inferior to be here, and hence feeling superior or inferior simply indicates that I am not here.

I commit myself assist and support myself to end my existence as right and wrong for I realize that, who I exist as is not about right or wrong but that, who I exist within and as is and should be a principle of equality and oneness considering only what’s best for all and that this is done through living self-honesty in my every breath moment.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop imposing my my ideas/opinions/excuses/justification onto others but rather establish practical communication in commonsense whereby, I shall gather all information from all that are involved in all aspects in a given moment and from here, using commonsense and considering physical reality and what’s best for all, find a solution to a given problem/point instead of whining/nagging for I see, realize and understand that, nagging is a waste of time and will not solve the problem/point at hand and it only makes the problem/point worse/complicated and my experience within it as well and this is absolutely unnecessary.

 Another interesting point is that, I am addicted to this whiny nature of me as me. It’s like looking for those small things/situations in my environment that are not aligned to my liking and from here; I use it as an excuse to nag/whine instead of taking responsibility. I found out that, I actually thrive by creating these conflicting situations, nag about them and ensure that I come out victorious. This is actually a mental addiction that has become my very own personality character.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to end my addiction to the energies of whining/nagging through self-honesty, self-writing, self-forgiveness and corrective living so as to change my living from self-interest/best for me to what’s best for all.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to, when something in my world is not according to how I would like it to be, instead of nagging/whining, I shall investigate the point and align it not according to what’s best for me but according to what’s best for all for I realize that, whining/nagging is of the mind and the mind will not want solutions to a problem because this will threaten and end its existence and thus the mind prefers creating more conflicts within a problem so it can keep its energy supply intact. So by aligning my living within and as the principle of equality and oneness as that which is best for all as real physical living, whining/nagging and the conflicts thereof will be non-existent and this part of me as mind will eventually die as there is no energy to sustain it. This is what I want, to become the very living principle of equality and oneness as that which is best for all life and so I look forward to my death as a mind.

Next Blogs: I shall tackle the point of anxiety by facing and writing out the points that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within and as that have accumulated over time into and as the anxiety that I experience myself within and as.

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