I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
use my partner as a punch bag/as a point of blame for myself dishonesty in not
wanting to take self-responsibility for my world whereby I blame him for not
doing things my way and that it is from this that I whine and nag in anger. I
realize that, my partner/another has nothing to do with my whining/nagging.
This is entirely my own creation that I have participated within through
accepting and allowing myself to deceive myself/to not take self-responsibility
for my world/reality and that, the point of blame is actual self-manipulation
where I want another to do things my way so that I can cover up my whining and
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
stop blaming others for my self-dishonesty. I commit myself to assist and
support myself to stop manipulating myself by manipulating others to do things
my way so I feel good and don’t have to take any responsibility for my world or
my whining/nagging.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
communicate with another from the starting point of energy within and as
whining/nagging in anger, whereby I use my mind to reason and justify why it is
that I am not and will not take responsibility for a task/situation at hand,
for I realize that, from within my minds reasoning and justification, I cannot
be able to see physical reality as the point/task/situation I am faced with and
take responsibility for it.
I therefore commit myself to assist and support
myself to stop using my mind to create reasons and justifications as to why I
am not taking responsibility for myself and my world in any given moment,
instantly and not go into whining/nagging. From within this as well, I commit
myself to assist and support myself to, whenever I am faced by a
task/responsibility/point/situation/scenario, I shall from within and as breath
move myself and take immediate responsibility for that
point/situation/scenario/task for I have realized that it is from within
waiting or postponing the task that I come up with all sorts of excuses and justifications for why I will not face responsibility which in turn leads me to
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
use my mind as a crutch to lean on, within and as my
opinions/reasons/justifications to support me in finding a way out of taking
self-responsibility whereby, I whine/nag using these opinions, reasons,
justifications so that I can win the battle of not taking self-responsibility
and hence feel better about myself in/as my mind. I now realize that, this
nagging problem that I have is due to not taking immediate responsibility for
myself and my world e.g. stopping participation within my mind in and as this opinions/reasons/justifications
which I then use to whine/nag and ‘win’ my way out of taking immediate
responsibility for a physical point that I am facing in a given moment.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
stop using my mind as a crutch to lean on and instead lean on myself for
support and assistance in walking a point/task all the way till its done. I
commit myself to assist and support myself to stop creating
reasons/opinions/justifications as why I am not able to fulfill a task at hand,
that, instead of going into justifications, I shall breath and from within the
immediacy of breathe, move myself and complete the task at hand for I realize
that this is the only way I can truly stop whine and nagging and finally get
things done.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
pity myself trough whining/nagging/complaining whereby, I formulate the idea
that I am apparently weak and incapable of taking responsibility for self,
thus, I complain/whine/nag at others so that they can complement/support this
point of mine where I say I am incapable of taking responsibility for myself,
by them agreeing to my opinions/justifications that I bring forth through
nagging, and from them agreeing indicates to me that they pity me as well which
in turn makes me feel better in my mind as an incapable person who can’t be
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
stop pitying myself, to stop feeling sorry for myself that I am incapable/weak
of taking responsibility for myself for I realize that, it is only in my that I
perceive myself to be incapable of taking self-responsibility, whereas in
reality, I am
perfectly capable of taking
self-responsibility. I also realize and understand that, it is through these
opinions/reasons/justifications I have created about myself as myself that
actually hinder/stop me from being self-responsible and that if I stop living
as opinions/reasons/justifications and actually live only in and as the
physical, directing my physical reality in my every movement in my every moment
of breath and that which is best for all, this way I am perfectly capable of
taking responsibility for myself in immediacy beyond doubt. From within this, I
commit myself to assist and support myself to stop creating and or
participating within and as opinions/reasons/justifications and actually focus
only on what is physically here in any given moment and from here, move myself
as directive principle and take self-responsibility of whatever it is that I am
facing considering what’s best for all.
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