Sunday, 15 September 2013



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to my fear as anxiety with fear. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect anxiety to fear. From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my own fear.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to any moment when I find myself about to react in anxiety; I shall immediately BREATH and STOP myself from participating any further.
I commit myself to always breathe no matter how long it will take until I am completely stable and free from any anxiety reactions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect my feeling of a deep sense of loss to Bernard death. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define Bernard/another as a point of superiority outside myself for I realize that this is separation and in fact loss whereby I am the loser when I lock myself out of life as  all as equal as one by separating myself into and as my mind.

I realize that, I had defined Bernard as a point outside of myself and therefore, indicating a point of separation whereby, I regarded him as Superior than me when all the while, he and I were/still  are simply equals. Bernard, having embodied and lived the principle of equality and oneness was in his very essence life itself in the flesh. This is why I felt a deep sense of loss when he died, like a void was left in me by his passing. I realize that, the moment accepted and allowed myself to live in separation of  from Bernard or anyone else or everything else AS LIFE, simply indicated that I had already lost the point of equality and oneness from all because all is me as life, equal and one even though in different expressions. Thus this deep sense of loss to me is an indication of the loss that I have always had/felt, an emptiness that manifested the moment I separated myself from life as the equality and oneness that is HERE and that, for me to recover from this loss, I commit myself to walk my process of self honesty, self-writing, self-forgiveness all the way to physically correcting/changing myself from living in separation to equality and oneness with and as what is here by becoming and living myself as THE LIVING PRINCIPLE OF AND AS LIFE IN EQUALITY AND ONENESS AS THAT WHICH IS BEST FOR ALL LIFE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect my process to fear, whereby, I projected myself far into the future where I saw myself not making it, now I see, realize and understand that, my process is all about what is HERE and who I am within my process HERE in every moment of breath as Directive Principle as what’s best for all and that, future projections are of the mind and not real and thus, generating this fear is also not real but simply a mind game to sabotage my process of walking HERE as Breathe.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in my minds future projections hence living in and as future projections instead of living here as Breathe within and as my physical body.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that, the only one afraid of not making it, the only one that must die is me as a mind consciousness system, me as the ‘I’ of the mind so that who I am as life can step forth as the very living directive principle of and as what’s best for all life. ‘I’ as mind to ‘EYE’ as the physical.

I commit myself to step out of my mind as future projections of myself through imagination and stepping into the hereness of breath from within which I shall moment by moment direct my world by always using my physical ‘eye’ to see and consider all life in equality and oneness as I play my active role of a responsible human being that’s acts and lives only that which is best for all life, for all life is myself in equality and oneness.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to breath and stop myself from participating within and as any mind games as future projections for I realize that, the certainty of who I am and everything I can be is always HERE within and as each moment of breath and not in a far future. From within this, I commit myself to stop waiting for my mind to make decisions for me of who I can be in the future but that I will take responsibility in the Here for myself by becoming my very own self movement within and as directing myself as a living principle that considers all life in equality and oneness as that which is best for all.


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