Tuesday, 17 September 2013



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to through and as whining/nagging, manipulate situations, people in my world hence manipulating myself so as not to face what is here in a given moment of breath and take responsibility for it.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop manipulating others through whining so that I can have others take responsibility for me and also so that I can get others to agree to my reasons for whining so that they can agree with me and make me feel better about myself within and as my reasons and opinions as to why I will not take self-responsibility. I see, realize and understand that, the only one that I manipulate through whining is myself, whereby I create reasons and justifications/excuses as to why I should and will not take self-responsibility for my world and that is within and as it. This not only is self-dishonest but also ensures that I remain in my whining character where I will blame others for why I am not being self-responsible. So I now commit myself to stop this character.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to alter the stability of myself within and as my physical body when I go into whining and nagging about a point/situation that I am facing in a particular moment.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to always ensure that I am stable within and as my physical body by being here in as awareness of and as breath. Whenever I find myself participating within my mind formulating opinions/ideas/excuses/justifications, I shall stop and breath to bring myself back to stability for a see, realize and understand, that the moment I participate in whining/nagging, this is an indication that I am busy participating in my mind and not in physical reality where my stability exists.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the physical consequence of sciatica pain down my left leg through my repetitive whining/nagging character.

I commit myself to stop participating in nagging/whining so that I can put an end to this perception I have about myself as a whining character for not only do I limit myself by only perceiving myself as this character but also I inflict a lot of pain for my physical body for I realize t5hat, my body is a living being, fully aware of itself as myself and hence capable of feeling pain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to whine in the mornings after I become so emotionally energized by a very small thing like my child’s dirty smells diaper.

I forgive myself that haven’t seen realized and understood that, in the mornings, right at the moment of waking up, my mind becomes so energized as it wakes up, and so through my participation within and as it also experience this rush of energy throughout my body from within which and as, I whine/nag.

I forgive myself that I haven’t seen, realized and understood how I generate and react within and as anger from this energy rush depending on the thing that sets me off in the morning, and from there, I nag/whine.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to automatically in the mornings whine in anger. From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as an automated pattern not stopping for once to question why it is that I am so emotional in the mornings hence my nagging.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to take note/to investigate this automated reactions that are so subtle and that I tend to realize too late, long after I have participated.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to, whenever I find myself about to participate within my mind in thoughts, imaginations, backchats, and or reactions/whining/nagging, I shall immediately breath and stop myself from participating within  such mind games for I realize that, my participation within my mind only sabotages my opportunity to take responsibility for myself in and as my world in the immediacy of breath which will lead to an accumulation of physical consequences that will only make the process of birthing myself as life from the physical longer and uncomfortable.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to apply self-honesty and understand how it is that my mind really functions in the mornings and pay close attention to all the points that I participate within and as be it thoughts, imaginations, backchats and reactions, identify the patterns, write them down and apply self-forgiveness accordingly on each point and commit myself to stop all the patterns identified so that I can/will completely stand and direct this point of nagging/whining and eventually die/cease to exist as this point of nagging/whining for I realize that it doesn’t support who I am within and as the equality and oneness of and as life.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to, in the mornings when I wake up, take a deep breath and establish my point of stability within and as breathe within and as my physical body, and from Here, move/direct myself moment by moment throughout the day for I realize that, if I do not stand for myself as life and direct me in each moment of breath, the only other part of myself that will do this for me is the mind and I as mind only make decisions in self-interest not considering all life as equal and one and this is dishonoring all life as myself.

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