I commit myself to, when and as I find myself about to
participate in guilt, I shall breathe and stop myself from participation for I
realize that, guilt is not who I am but it’s my self-dishonest point whereby I
want to defend and keep existing within and as my self-interest in the form of
a mother-daughter relationship.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to consider only
what’s best for all and not self-interest as a way of glorifying myself or
making myself feel better or protecting my relationships for I realize that,
what’s best for all is best for me.
I realize that, when I go into guilt e.g. when I went into
guilt after locking my child in the living room so I could finish my chores was
absolutely not necessary. Looking at this scenario in common sense, I see,
realize and understand that I needed to do that not only so that I can finish
my chores on time but to also protect my child from touching all the dirt that
I am busy cleaning so we don’t risk an infection. Within this, guilt was just
self-sabotage from standing within and as my decision to do what I did.
Therefore, I commit myself to assist and support myself to always stand
absolute within my decision of who I am within any given moment of breath as I
stand, direct and live that which is best for all and that I will not allow
guilt to take over me as the decision.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to not let guilt
dictate who I am as a parent for I see and realize that who I am as a parent is
here as directive principle, living in an exemplary way for my child, showing
through living that which best for all for this is the only way that my child
will become an exemplary being who stands for what’s best for all as Life.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to not allow my
child’s change in expression e.g. crying and whining to affect/change the
decision/the stand of who I am in any given moment for I realize that, her
expression at a given moment is a way for the child to communicate to me and I
can simply respond or choose not to respond to the communication in a given
moment depending on the situation in consideration of what’s best for all.
Therefore, I shall not go into guilt because of this for this will not only
indicate a point of self-manipulation but will also be a point that my child can learn to use to manipulate me into guilt and submission, making her a
manipulating self-interested inconsiderate being that will not consider all
life as equal and one and stand for what’s best for all. As a parent I am
responsible for what/how/when my child learns.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to no longer use
mind games e.g. guilt to manipulate my child into liking me by playing the
character of a good mother to her making myself more than who I really am as
life for I see/ realize that, my child and I are equals and one within and as
life and therefore, I don’t have to change who I am to be liked by her because
doing so would signify a point of inequality whereby I use her to glorify
myself and remain in my character of wanting to be liked because this makes me
feel special and more than another.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop
abdicating my self-responsibility to my mind.
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