I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
participate within and as the fear of loss within me which was triggered by
Bernard’s Death. I realize that,
Bernard’s death acted as a trigger point for me to see, realize and understand
that, I still live within and as the definition of the fear of loss. But, what
do I actually fear losing? MYSELF as whom I have defined myself to exist within
and as in terms of an energy being. I fear losing myself as energy for I do not
know whom I will be/become without energy. I have never lived anything else
apart from self as mind energy. From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to fear losing myself as energy. I forgive myself that I
haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that, there’s
a self/a me that exists beyond energy and definitions and that this self as me
if always HERE, Present in and as AWARENESS of each single breath and that,
this is the me I should be existing within and as because Here I am real,
constant, consistent, physical hence trustworthy and not energy that keeps
changing and hence cannot be trusted.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
extensively react in anxiety after Bernard’s death which lead me to having an
anxiety attack. I realize that, this anxiety was brought about by my
participation within the thoughts of who and what I will be after I die which
is actually an extensive fear of loss/losing myself definition within and as
death. Looking closely, I see, realize and understand that I am only fearing
the death of who and what I have defined myself within and as, as this
definitions is all that I know myself to be and live by, within and as, hence
fear losing.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
breath and stop myself from participating within any form of thoughts that that
trigger anxiety within me, thoughts like dying in a certain way, losing myself
after I die, who will I be if I die, for I see, realize and understand that,
these thoughts are the fuel for my anxiety attacks as immense fear towards
death as fear of loss.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
see, realize and understand that, who I am is not defined by energy as any
thoughts, imaginations, backchats or reactions but that who I am is always
HERE, present in awareness within and as my physical body in my every moment
of breath. From within this, I commit myself to walk my process of self-writing,
self-honesty and living my commitments in a way that I do not accept and allow
anything less than who I am here in and as my physical body within every moment
of breath as my very own directive principle.
I commit myself to stop myself from
participating within my minds anxiety attacks energy games for I see, realize
and understand that this is pure self-dishonesty where I do not take
responsibility for myself/my life as my very own directive principle of and as
the starting point of what is best for all, but leave it to my mind to direct
me which is basically self-interest where I end up reacting extensively to my
fears in the form of anxiety attacks. I commit myself to assist and support
myself to breath and stop myself from participating in anxiety before it builds
up into an attack.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
alter the stability of my physical body from stability to instability when I
accept and allow myself to participate within and as anxiety whereby my heart
races as fast as ever, my entire body begins to tremble/shiver, I sweat
profusely, I get nauseous, my body temperature increases to what feels like hot
flashes/I feel like am burning up and there’s a wave of pain that sweeps
through my entire body up and down, sideways and everywhere, also I feel like I
am unable to breath properly like there’s something strangling me/chocking me.
From herein comes a fear that I am about to die from a heart attack due to my
heart beating so fast or death from not being able to breath properly. All this
fuels my anxiety to the point where I completely lose control of reality as my
mind takes over my body completely to resource energy from its survival.
From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and
allowed myself to subject my body to pain, to crucify my body for the
glorification/survival of my mind, not seeing, realizing or understanding that
my physical is a living being, fully aware of itself and its functioning and
hence capable of experiencing the pain during and when I subject it to mind
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give up on myself during an anxiety attack whereby I enter the ‘I give up’
mode, or I say to myself that ‘this is too overwhelming for me to deal with’,
hence I give up on breathing especially when I do it and it and does not work.
From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
give up on myself and give into energy as I find giving up on myself to be much
easier than to actually stand up for myself from within and as anxiety, I
realize that, the reason why I easily give up on myself and give into mind
energy as anxiety is because, in all my life, I have just defined myself as
mind energy, I know myself as mind energy, I do not know who I am or can become
without mind energy and hence I find it much easier to succumb to mind energy
than just standing up for myself and taking self-responsibility for myself
instead of letting my mind be responsible for me at the sacrifice of my
physical body.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
always consider the stability of my physical body as just being aware, here, Breathing within and as my
physical body in any given moment and to ensure that, any movement is done by
myself as the living directive principle in every moment of breath.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
become my own directive principle through taking responsibility for all aspects
of my life by living that which is best for all and that I will not abdicate my
self-responsibility to my mind for I realize that, I as mind is only existing
within and as self-interest caring only for own survival even at the sacrifice
of another as life including my physical body. This is simply unacceptable.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
flag out the very moment when anxiety starts building up within me, to in this
moment to do the 4 count breath whereby I take in a deep stomach in breath, hold it 4 counts and then release
through an out breath. I commit myself to do this 4 times after which I shall
do fast breathing from my chest area to release any built up energy. I shall do
this several times after which I shall embark on normal breathing. Whenever I
find that my breath utilization is not effective, I commit myself to write out
whatever points that come up during moments of anxiety flagging all points of
fear as thoughts, imaginations, backchats, reactions and physical changes and
immediately apply self-forgiveness so as not to go too deep into the anxiety to
the point where in becomes an overwhelming attack.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
not give up on myself and give into the energy of anxiety no matter what.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
always remain here within and as the stability of my physical body and whenever
I notice and physical body changes within me, I shall breath and immediately
investigate why it is that I accepted and allowed myself to participate within and as that lead
to the manifestation of physical body instability as consequence, for I realize
that, when my physical body’s stability is altered in any way, it is because of
consequences that already have manifested from something that I accepted and
allowed to happen through active participation.
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