Self-Forgiveness and Self-Commitment statements Continued...
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
use love feelings as a tool to find a partner with whom I can form a
relationship with, considering only my self-interest as this love feelings
whereby this love feelings cloud/block all my common sense in regard to the
reality of myself and of this other person, and thus not questioning or
assessing at all through common whether this person can make an ideal partner
for me or I for them, and so can stand
together as equal and one to express my statement of love for me/towards me and
as this person. I commit myself to stop myself from
using the energetic feeling of love as the starting point to form
relationships, whereby I block out all common sense in regards to the reality
of who I become within and as the relationship which I form, and the reality of
the person with whom I form a relationship with and the reality of who we
become together as a couple in a relationship. I commit myself to consider all
aspects of starting a new relationship ensuring that my starting point is clear
through and as self-honesty as that which is best for all, that love should not
be an externalized feeling to another but rather centered within and as me and
expressed within and as a statement of equality and oneness by honoring myself
and another as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
think that, I can change someone through love/loving them while in reality, I
just use love/loving as a way of manipulating someone to how I would like them
to exist in and as my world ie, manipulate/shape them in such a way that they
accept me as I am as this was an easier way of me remaining in my self-interest
ways and so did not have to change but that they should change so that I can
continue existing within and as my self-interest. I
commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand that,
the one that really needs to change and must change is myself and that, manipulating
others so that they can change in order to support myself interest ways is
self-deception and I will no longer allow myself to continue in my self deceptive ways but that I shall change everything about me into becoming a
living statement/principle/example as that which is best for all and thus
birthing a new world where only that which is best for all exists, this will be
heaven on earth.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
use love as a means to manipulate someone/a man in such a way the they don’t
have to leave me, but stay with me so that I won’t be have to face my fear of
being alone, i.e. as long as the person/man was with me, then I was not alone
and thus wouldn’t have to face my fear of being alone.
Thus from within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to impose change on others through love not wanting to see
realize and understand that forcing others to change is self-deception in
itself, instead others should change willingly and that the person that should
really change is myself from using love as self-deception to not facing my fear
of being alone to becoming a statement of love as honoring who I am as life and
will not accept anything less of self or another as life. I commit myself to stop manipulating others using love to
make relationship connections so that I can have this person stay with me
through and the relationship so that I don’t have to be aloe/feel alone. Within
this, I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself to face my fear of
being alone through self-honesty, self-writing, self-forgiveness and
self-corrective application so that I can finally be free from the energy of
fear of being alone.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
advertise myself like a commodity by altering my physical outlook through
wearing tight clothes, make up and changing hairstyles and high heeled shoes
and through changing my walking style as well in order to attract a person/man
with whom I can form a relationship with using love. I
commit myself to not alter my physical outlook/to not alter the stability of my physical body so that I can attract a man to love me for I realize that this is
manipulating someone in order to lure them and keep them in a relationship with

So, here, love as well has become a commodity that money can
buy and that the more money one has, the more the love one can buy. Therefore,
love as self-statement, as self-expression no longer exists as it has been
conditioned by the money system as its exists today and this has led to great
abuse of life, dishonoring life to the very core, we humans dishonoring each
other in every way where we now sell sex disguised as love, for money. And
hence from within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed
myself to participate within the creation of the current money system whereby,
within and as its conditions has reduced the expression/statement of self-love
into self-dishonor where we humans are now buying and selling love to the
highest bidder/the one with most money, thus inequality at all levels. I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop
basing the value of life on money in that, the one with more money deserves to
be treated better/loved and the one without to be disregarded as not important,
whereby the very reason why we humans
dishonor each other at all levels is because we accentuated/uplifted the value
of money and disregarded the value of life, this showing within and as the
evidence of how we treat each other where we don’t value each other equally
based on the fact that we are all here as life within and as our physical
bodies and that we all are equally responsible for accepting and allowing
ourselves to dishonor each other as humanity, extending this dishonor and
disregard for all other life forms. I commit myself to assist and support
myself to take back self-honor through the application of self by using the Desteni message and tools, for I realize that self-honor is honoring all as life, equal
and one.
Day 38 - DECEIVED BY LOVE - Part 5
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