Thursday, 16 May 2013


Self Commitment

Negative Energy Dimensions External Changes

I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand that when I am already experiencing myself as the physical body's behavior of external changes of droopy eyes, slouched shoulders, slower physical movement as slow walking, chin resting on my right/left palm of my hand and yawning, to see realize and understand that I am already halfway into self sabotage for my responsibility to myself within/as writing/blogging/chores and that from this point, if I do not immediately stop myself from participating within/as mind energy in/as thoughts, imaginations, backchats, reactions, I may simply completely/fully submit to/as energy as its much easier to do so and ignore the moments physical reality that I should be facing because I find it 'difficult'.
I commit myself to assist and support myself from within and as this stage where I become aware that I have already embodied the boredom/apathy energy experiences as the very eternal changes of my physical body of droopy eyes, slouched shoulders, slower physical movement as slow walking, chin resting on my right/left palm of my hand and yawning, to instantly realize and understand that I am not AWARE as the directive principle of myself/my world, of and as the process that is already unfolding/happening/manifesting in my mind with me already physically embodying the energy dimensions of boredom/apathy in and as physical behavior possession.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand that through my participation in/as the laziness character personality where I choose to remain in the negative energy dimension of the mind in and as boredom and apathy, to realize that I am forcing my body into submission of the mind's energy polarities, as my body will embody this energies that I accept and allow and thus become physically unstable/dis eased/discomfort and hence from within this, I commit myself to standing up for myself and stopping participation within/as mind games of energy and directing me within/as self writing/blogging/chores to ensure that I fulfill all my responsibilities of me towards me for me within and as the stability of my physical body.
I commit myself to use the 'signs'/physical body feedback that my body shows/reveals to me I any given moment and that I will not ignore these revelations from my body but instead will question myself 'what is it that I am accepting and allowing within me' that has led to my physical body to becoming unstable and what is it that I can/must do to correct/change this instability as myself in and as my physical body back to stability. from within this as well, I commit myself through SELF-WRTITING HERE that I will not accept and allow myself to sabotage myself by using this body revelations/signs/feedback as an excuse to manipulate myself within/as my physical body by rotating in the circle of positive and negative energy experiences of polarity thus remaining in my laziness character personality.
I commit myself to see, realize and understand that my body indeed mirrors to me through its very physical changes, what I accept and allow within myself like for example when my laziness character activate from within which I accept and allow myself to become the experience of apathy and boredom my body reflects this to me through yawning, droopy eyes, slow walking, slouched shoulders and placing my chin on the palms of my hand.

Positive Energy Dimensions External Changes

I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand how it is that from one moment of experiencing negative energy of apathy and boredom that manifested in and as my physical body where I had the external physical changes of , yawning, droopy eyes, slow walking/slow movement, slouched shoulders and placing my chin on the palms of my hand, soon after changed my experience when I then moved/changed to positive energy of excitement/enthusiasm during entertainment and therefore altering my external body's stability to fast physical movement, sitting up more upright/shoulders straight, eyes more open, alert and keen, all this being physical reference of my physical body how I alter my stability in and as the my physical body through my participation in the negative to positive energy polarity.

Negative and Positive Energy External Changes

I commit myself to stop myself from running in the circle of energy polarities whereby I jump from negative to positive energy, whereby within and as negative energy, I accept and allow myself to enter into negative/bad/low experience of myself and so from within this comes the desire of wanting to feel better/lift my energy/feel good and thus end up in engaging myself in activities which provide me a temporary relieve from my low energy experience and escaping/disregarding any activities that I must face within and as self responsibility thus postponing this activities that further facilitate my remaining in the laziness character personality.
From within this, I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand that positive energy feelings of strength/fast doing/feeling good are all as a result of accumulation of negative energy whereby, the mind after successfully 'logging' into my body to source for more energy, this successful log in and access sources more energy to fully energize the entire mind consciousness system which the makes the mind stronger and more stable and alert which is the feeling that experience as myself, ENERGY, so from within this, I commit myself to see realize and understand that this energy rush which I experience is actually not a real experience of me because who I am is real within and as the stability of my physical body and that it should be from this stability that I should move and direct myself to face myself as whatever responsibility that need to be faced, I become the directive principle of me/myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see realize and understand how from my participation within boredom and apathy altered my physical body's external stability into droopy eyes, slouched shoulders, slower physical movement as slow walking, chin resting on my right/left palm of my hand and yawning, thus using this changes as an excuse to 'lifting myself' into positive energetic experience of enthusiasm/excitement thus manifesting in my physical body the external behavior/experience of fast physical movement, sitting up more upright/shoulders straight, eyes more open, alert and keen, all this while just manipulating myself into and as energy and the stability of my body there of instead of simply remaining here in and as the stability of my body and simply doing/facing that which need to be done/faced/fulfilled i.e. self writing or daily chores.
I commit myself to assist and support myself in always questioning myself what it is that I am accepting and allowing in any given moment that alter the stability of and as my physical body, that I will not disregard the discomfort/dis ease that I subject to my body as myself, and that I will no longer accept and allow myself to see physical discomfort/dis ease/instability as NORMAL because this 'normal' has become the very internal Abuse which is now what I and all of Humanity have accepted and allowed to Be/Become NORMAL LIFE, From within so without.

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