Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Self Forgiveness - part 1:

Negative Energy Dimensions Internal Changes Self-forgiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, when faced by my responsibilities of me/towards me like self writing/blogging, chores, create a relationship with/as my physical body from within and as the dimensions of thought, imaginations, backchats and reactions whereby I ended up participating within and as the negative energetic reactions/experiences of apathy and boredom from mind dimensions that exist in separation from my physical body within which I manifested the negative internal physical experience/change of instant tiredness and sleepiness.

I forgive myself that I haven't seen realized or understood how, through my participation within and as energy, I alter the very substance of my physical body and the entire physical existence hence manipulating/changing/altering the physical body's natural stability and causing dis-ease. From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself for always believing this to be a normal relationship in and as my physical body, not seeing how I am always busy altering the very naturalness of my physical body when I participate within and as mind energy through the dimensions of my personalities, not realizing how I 'nail my body on the cross' for self interest of always wanting to remain within and as energetic experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create negative energy experience in my mind like boredom and apathy which I then use to manipulate my experience in/as the physical and thus the very physical itself become tired and sleepy and then again use this very creation of mine of tiredness and sleepiness as an excuse to manipulate myself into going for my want of entertainment to 'feel better' hence remaining in the laziness character and postponing/avoiding taking responsibility for me simply because I prefer the easy way out of positive energy experience of me in and as  entertainment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see realize and understand how it is that, when I am experiencing tiredness and sleepiness in and my physical body to immediately realize that it is almost too late for me stand up from within laziness, as at this point this personality has already possessed me and that standing up from within possession to take responsibility of facing my tasks will be like me FACING/TAKING ACTION FOR MYSELF AS A LAST MINUTE RESORT which is actually why I have comfortably accepted and lived the saying 'I am a last minute person/I work best under pressure' all the while never stopping and questioning and investigating if I can infact efficiently work under pressure as a last minute resort or is this just the 'thin line' between standing up and taking responsibility for me or is it another moment I shall give up on me and give into energy possession..

Positive Energy Dimensions Internal Changes Self-forgiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from and as my physical body so often to the extent that I did not even realize how within a given moment had the dimensions of thoughts, imaginations, backchats and reactions change from negative (apathy and boredom) to positive (enthusiasm), whereby as I was experiencing the positive energy of enthusiasm/excitement, triggered through entertainment, I felt a build up of energy from within my stomach area which 'exploded' when I was in the act of entertaining myself.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see realize and understand how I am infact abusing my physical body when and as I participate/give into/submit to energy, because before my participation in/as energy, my physical body was HERE, stable, breathing and after my participation within and as apathy/boredom energy, my physical body immediately changed from being stable to being tired and sleepy hence felt unstable, dis eased, physical discomfort, all of which I then used as an excuse/justification to jump right into positive energy of enthusiasm which I created through active participation in my thoughts, imaginations backchats and reactions and thus for a moment altered the stability of my physical body again into a build up of energy that erupts when I am fulfilling my want of entertainment.

I forgive myself that I haven't seen realized or understood how I am constantly altering my physical body's stability through participation within and as my laziness character personality which activate when I am faced by self responsibility, whereby I exist within and energy experiences of the mind, all the while remaining in separation from and as my physical body, with no connection or consideration whatsoever towards what I am actually putting my physical body through by ' sacrificing' it so that I can fulfill my self interest of energy experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to disregard/ignore the existence of myself in/as my physical body as a being that is alive, Here and aware of its own existence and thus can feel pain and suffering that I, through participation in as energy bestow upon it and from within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in separation from/as my physical body through forming an energy relationship with/as my mind.

Negative and Positive Dimensions Internal Changes Self-Forgiveness

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see realize and understand, how from a moment of stability in/as my physical body as I/it existed when I was face by my tasks/responsibilities towards myself of  writing/blogging/reading or doing house chores drew myself as my awareness to the mind through participation within my laziness character/personality's dimensions of thoughts, imaginations, backchats and reactions from within which I experienced myself as negative energy and thus altering my physical body's state from stability to a negative dis ease of tiredness and sleepiness which affected my body in a 'negative way'. From here, I moved myself into/as positive experience of myself as enthusiasm/excitement energy whereby I altered my physical body from tiredness and sleepiness to a build up of energy in within my stomach area that exploded once I switched to fulfilling that which my mind wanted, and a rush of strength there of i.e. entertainment hence affecting me/who I am, influencing me/who I am in a positive way,  and thus, just because I/my physical body felt better in that given moment when I was faced by self responsibility, I opted for the 'feeling better' feeling to facing my real physical practical reality and my responsibility within/as it.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how what I accepted and allow in my own reality/life as an individual, is exactly what I accept and allow to exist within the whole/bigger picture/the world, whereby I choose to dwell in the positive energetic experiences of my mind simply because it feels good and abdicating/sabotaging the responsibility towards myself and to all life in this world thus perpetuating living conditions of most life here into appalling state by choosing to ignore our own individual responsibility within all that exists here by taking responsibility through physically and practically moving self into doing/acting in a way that supports all life as that which is best for all and not dwell in positive energy experiences of love and light which only feel good but have never yielded any real physical substantial change in this physical world simply because it only exists in the mind and is not real in terms of what this physical world has become through our acceptance and allowance.

Next Blog Day 26 - LAZINESS CHARACTER - PHYSICAL DIMENSION  part 3 Self-forgiveness continued.

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