I had a doctor’s appointment on this day from which I planned
to go a little shopping. And so, off I went to the shopping mall with my
daughter. Once inside, I begun the usual shopping stuff like checking out the
clothes I like, then go try them on and see if they fit me properly. There were
quite a number of people inside shopping the mall as well. My daughter was crying but I
did not really pay much attention, just kept asking her to allow me to shop and
then tend to her afterwards, she did not stop and so I picked her up from her
stroller, kissed her and reassured her that am here with her. So I finished
picking all that I needed and headed to the changing room and there is when I
noticed my purse was missing. I did panic because in my purse was some cash, my
phone, ID card, health insurance cards, GA etc. a lady close by having noticed
that I was curiously looking for something asked me what was the matter and I
told her that someone must have stolen my purse. I borrowed her phone to call
mine and it went straight to voice mail, that when I knew for sure that this
was an act of theft.
I almost begun to cry when I imagined the whole process am
gonna go through to get all the necessary things back. I was a confused mess, I
was angry at/towards the thief. My daughter was crying even louder and this
agitated me even more and I found myself shouting at her asking her to stop
crying and that her crying is what cost me my purse (I presumed that when I picked
her up as she cried is when my purse was stolen because I put all my attention
on her and not the stroller where my purse was), so I blame her as well. I
immediately went out of the shopping mall, crossed the road and went straight
to the Swisscom (my mobile phone contractor) shop to check if they can help me switch
off/disable the phone and then track it. While inside I waited for my turn and
as I explained what had just happened, I burst out crying as I released my
anger through crying. The Swisscom man explained to me what can and cannot be
done and so afterwards, I went straight home. As I walked home, I had calmed
and stabilized myself through breathing and a little crying.
I kept thinking of how stupid I was not paying close
attention and guarding my belongings/purse. I felt bad that now I have to spend
money to buy a new phone, which was currently not in our budget and that this
phone money would have assisted us fulfill other important needs. I imagined
how it would have been better to have just gone home straight from the doctor’s
appointment. I also imagined that if I had bought a certain face cream that I
wanted to buy after coming from the doctor, then I would have had less cash
stolen. I was like ‘I should have just stuck to my plan of buying the face
cream instead of changing the plan for later’. I had back chats like, ‘I hope
the thief just takes the money, phone and returns my IDs, this thief has really
pissed me off! I could kick his ass`. Memories of what it took last time to get
my important cards and IDs also flooded my mind and I got agitated as it was
time consuming and coasted little money, I did not want to go through the whole
process again.So from within all this, I clearly see that anger exists within and as who I am/me/myself. That my purse being stolen was the trigger point of my reaction in/as anger. That in the moment when I realized that my purse had been stolen, instead of breathing and remaining here and clearly access the situation and plan then on how to go about it, I instead chose to exist with and as anger where I physically manifested this anger through outbursts, my body physically shaking and crying. I see how I blamed others (my daughter and the thief) for my anger while they had nothing to do with it and that this anger has always existed within me towards me as me and that the incident was just to show me that I have anger issues of/as myself that I need to face and deal with. I also see that within me exists other dimensions of the same anger (that of anger towards myself) like for example, in my memory and imagination of the process I had to go through to get all my ID cards after losing them in another time a time in which I also reacted in and as anger towards the event and the whole process of getting the IDs, and now I have to go through the same process and this time, I am again already existing within/as, projecting anger towards this whole process ahead. I played the anger card again when I imagined that I would have lost less cash had I stuck to my plan of buying the face cream before I went shopping. It is clear that I participated within and as other dimensions of anger: thoughts, imaginations, back chats, memories. Back chats of me cursing the thief, cursing the process of getting my IDs back, wishing I could rewind time and watch this not happening just fueled the anger within and as me. From within this, I shall do Self Forgiveness.
Next Blog, Day 31 - ANGER IS TOWARDS SELF: Self Forgiveness
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