Self Commitment Statements:
I commit myself to when and as I see myself in awareness
participating or about to participate within/as anger, I shall breath and stop
myself from participation and instead investigate the origin of my anger/where
I am not being self-honest.
I commit myself to after stopping participation within/as
anger to investigate my self-dishonesty flags.
I commit myself to assist and support myself become the
directive principle of I want to exist within and as in every moment of breath
as that which best for all instead of letting anger direct/dictate who I am.I see, realize and understand that anger existing within and as me is anger I have towards myself for not standing up for myself as life and becoming the directive principle if what I accept and allow to manifest in my world as that which is best for all in every moment of breath through self-honesty and self-forgiveness and hence, I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself to live self-honesty in each moment of breath for this is the only way I can avoid anger reactions/experiences.
I commit myself to not exert my anger towards others e.g. thieves, my child, partner etc. for I realize that this is blaming others for my anger because what I experience in my world in every moment of breath is as a result of what I accept and allow through active participation in/as my mind through/as my thoughts, imaginations, backchats and reactions etc. and thus, blaming others is pointless and self-dishonest where in this I sabotage my self-responsibility of being self-honest in looking and seeing who I am existing within and as in every moment of breath and thus changing/aligning my living into that which is best for all through and as self-forgiveness and real practical self-corrective application to bring about this actual change/alignment.
I commit myself to taking responsibility for my anger through living self-honesty, self-forgiveness and walking the process of changing myself to no longer exist within/as anger reaction.
I commit myself to assist and support myself not to exert my anger towards the money system through blame and any moment I become aware of myself about to or already participating within anger towards the current money system, I shall stop myself, breath and will not allow myself to participate within this for I realize that, I am equally responsible in creating and manifesting the current money system that doesn’t support all life equally through participation and that if this is to change, I must change for I am equally the problem.
I commit myself to when and as I become aware of myself about to connect the memories of the process it took me last time to get back all my IDs and documents that were stolen to anger, I shall breath and stop myself and will not allow myself to participate and from within this, I commit myself to be here within/as my physical body, breathing and not participating in memories for memories are a way that the mind use to generate energy for itself for survival.
I commit myself to utilizing my imagination on planning how I will practically walk the whole process of replacing that which was stolen instead of using my imagination to further fuel the experience of anger within/as me.
I commit myself take the responsibility of walking the process of replacing my IDs instead of reacting /projecting anger towards this future event/process simply because I did not want to do it, for I realize that, projecting my anger on the whole process of what is to come is pointless because, regardless of anger, it is a process I must walk in due time and from within this, I commit myself to be here with me in/as my physical body in every moment of breath and in full awareness, direct me in every moment of breath as I walk in/as the process of replacing my IDs.
I commit myself to when and as become aware of myself about to participate within thought of seeing myself walking the whole process of getting my IDs back and difficult it will be, that in turn fuel the anger within/as me, I shall breathe and stop myself from participating within such thoughts.
I commit myself to break the cycle of anger reactions that I
have been existing with and as whenever I am faced with the same event of
having my belongings stolen, whereby through blame, I exert my anger towards
the thief and the whole process involved in replacing the stolen things for I realize that, blaming
others for my anger is me making a statement that I do not want to be
self-honest in really investigating why I accept and allow myself to have anger
become what I choose to exist within and as, which is just an energetic
experience of me which means, in a moment of anger, I am not myself as anger is
not who I am.
I commit myself to taking the responsibility of investigating
the origin of the anger towards myself through self-honesty instead of blaming
it on others.I commit myself to breath and stop myself from participating within the back chats/internal conversations like; if I catch the thief, I shall really kick his ass, shit, I have to walk all the way to immigration offices, police offices suck etc., which in turn fueled my experience of anger within me, as me.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand that, whenever I react in/as anger, I compromise/sabotage my self responsibility towards me whereby I use this anger as a scapegoat from facing me and dealing with whatever I encounter in each moment of breath in and as self-honesty and applying self-forgiveness and that each moment I react/participate within/as anger, I am not being self-honest.
I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself in seeing
realizing and understanding that anger is an energy generated in the mind for
its survival and that any moment I participate/exist within/as anger, I shall
become this energetic experience of anger and that this will be the experience
of me, just energy but not a real physical substantial being living and
expressing within and as the physical body in and as this physical world in
every moment of breath, because physicality is what is real and energy is just
an illusion, I will no longer accept and allow myself to exist within and as an
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