Thursday, 30 May 2013

Day 35 - DECEIVED BY LOVE - Part 2

Self Forgiveness and Commitment Statements

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the word love.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the energetic experience of love/loving/being in love. Any moment I find myself drifting into the energetic feelings of love as the warm bubbly great feeling, I shall BREATH and stop myself from participating within this energetic feeling because I realize that who I am as love energy is not REAL, love energy is just a feeling and that the real me is me in/as breath within/as my physical body and is always stable.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that feelings are real and the energetic experience of me as feelings is real and so from within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to regard the feeling of myself/me in/as love, being in love as REAL/REALITY.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within and as the word ‘love’ therefore limiting myself within/as these definitions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself within and as love/loving another. I commit myself to assist and support myself to not limit myself within and as love/loving because I realize that love/loving is of the mind as energy and that  me limiting myself to the energy as love means that this is all I accept and allow myself to ever be and thus will miss the opportunity of realizing my full potential of who I am as the physical in and as its totality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being alone and thus use love as a bridge to connect to another/man in order to form a relationship with this other person/man so that I won’t have to be alone and instead of facing this fear of being alone, I’d rather be in love with another person/use love as the connection point to another person/man so we can be together and then I won’t have to face the responsibility of being by myself/alone and the fear thereof. From within this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed to see, realize and understand that the word love in its resonance is used by the mind consciousness system to form relationships with other mind consciousness systems because the minds fear being alone and thus I define, experience and express myself from within and as the context of the mind, making mind experiences my experiences, experiences which are not real. I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand how it is that the word love actually functions in connecting mind consciousness systems through energy and how I have come to define myself within and as this energy resonance of love as the energy feeling of love/being in love and making this an experience of me/myself and thus disregarding who I really am as the stability of what is right here in/as my breath within/as my physical body within and as this physical earth.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to need to be in a relationship with someone else /a man in order to feel loved/connect to another and not be alone.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see realize and understand that I have been using love/the word ‘love’ as a means by which, I, as the mind consciousness system can connect to another as a mind consciousness system in order to form an energetic relationship whereby both minds can continue existing in energy instead of taking responsibility by facing self as what is here in and as the physical reality which is the only REAL world.
From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within and as the energy feeling of love in/as my mind, ever so lost in the bubbly cloud of love feeling, which is not real because this bubbly cloud as love energy feeling ends and what remains is this eternal physical reality of which I am a part of in equality and oneness in and as my physical body.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to understand that, love as energy has a beginning and an end and thus cannot be real and cannot be trusted in any way whatsoever, from within this, I am making this commitment to myself that I will no longer participate within love/loving/being in love from and all its definitions and concepts because when all this love ends, who I was within it all will also end showing that who I was in love was not real, just energy. What is real is who I am as the physical breath within and as my physical body, stable, mind energy in form of love like many other feelings and emotions is not real, that’s why it changes and thus ends.

Next Blog: Day 36 - DECEIVED BY LOVE - Part 3  

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