Friday, 10 May 2013


Self Forgiveness Part 2

Negative Energy Dimensions External Changes
I forgive myself that haven't accepted and allowed myself to see realize and understand how it is that when I participate in and as thoughts, imaginations, backchats and reactions in and the negative dimension, hence ending up in and as the experiences of apathy and boredom and in turn alter the very stability of my physical body into and as external changes of droopy eyes, slouched shoulders, slower physical movement as slow walking, chin resting on my right/left palm of my hand and yawning.
From within this thus, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to remain in my laziness character personality through active participation in and the negative energy dimensions of the mind whereby I choose to remain in and as negative energetic experiences of boredom and apathy forcing my body into submission of the mind, to become the very physical embodiment of that which I accept and allow thus became physically unstable, rather than standing up for myself and directing me in/through/as self writing and ensuring that I fulfill all other responsibilities of me for me by remaining here in and as the stability of my body.
I forgive myself that I haven't  accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how it is that I have so vastly separated myself from my physical body that I do not even question how it is that I have created and manifested the relationship/connection between my mind and my physical body not seeing, realizing and understanding the extent to which I in fact influence/affect it within my accepted and allowed participation of ENERGY from within which my body through its reactions/instability clearly shows me what it is that I am accepting and allowing within a given moment, presenting me an opportunity to change this but instead I Ignore and all this 'signs'/physical feedback and only use them for further self-manipulation as a validations/excuses to justify why it is that I should not face/complete/fulfill my responsibilities/tasks/chores and instead opt for another energetic experience which I will create in my mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see realize and understand how it is that, my physical body will always reflect/show me that which I accepted and allow through its very physical changes like for example, when my laziness character activate from within which I accept and allow myself to become the experience of apathy and boredom my body reflects this to me through yawning, droopy eyes, slow walking, slouched shoulders and placing my chin on the palms of my hand, which thus indicates that I have in that moment sabotaged myself responsibility and that my body is the reference for this as the real feedback, and thus from within this feedback in a given moment, I can stop myself by breathing and not participating within that which I accepted and allowed to change the experience of me and that of my physical body thereof instead of stabilizing myself and simply facing myself as the tasks/responsibilities before me.
Positive Energy Dimensions External Changes
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand how from my participation within and as enthusiasm/excitement in/as the positive energy dimension manifested within my physical body the positive external experience/behavior of fast physical movement, sitting up more upright/shoulders straight, eyes more open, alert and keen.
Negative and Positive Energy External Changes
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not to see realize and understand how from my participation within boredom and apathy altered my physical body's external stability into droopy eyes, slouched shoulders, slower physical movement as slow walking, chin resting on my right/left palm of my hand and yawning, thus using this changes as an excuse to 'lifting myself' into positive energetic experience of enthusiasm/excitement thus manifesting in my physical body the external behavior/experience of fast physical movement, sitting up more upright/shoulders straight, eyes more open, alert and keen, all this while just manipulating myself into and as energy and the stability of my body there of instead of simply remaining here in and as the stability of my body and simply doing/facing that which need to be done/faced/fulfilled i.e. self writing or daily chores.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create positive and negative energy which I then impose on my body, altering its natural condition/state/stability into dis ease, discomfort all the while never stopping and questioning myself why it is that I have accepted and allowed myself to disregard my physical body as myself, disregard the pain and discomfort that I subject the body to and instead cover this pain and discomfort through temporary 'positive experience' of energy again not seeing realizing and understanding that positive energy is just an accumulation of negative energy, a celebration of the mind for having successfully pierced/dug in deeper into the physical body and sourcing enough energy to supply the entire mind consciousness system, allowing it to thrive at the pain/discomfort/di ease of the physical. From within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to allow pain, discomfort, dis ease as the norm when it comes to myself as my body while in fact this kind of existence is ABUSE in its very true nature as also this has now been accepted and allowed as 'NORMAL LIFE' in the world today amidst all the horrendous forms of abuse, hence it is my individual and collective responsibility as should be for all, to put an end to the life of existing in polarity as negative and positive energetic experiences by taking self responsibility of actually dealing with the negative that we are instead of 'sugar coating' it with 'positiveness' in and as positive thinking, positive imaginations, positive this or positive that.

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