Self Forgiveness and Self Corrective Statements
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that REAL love is love towards self/self-love, LOVE as a statement that I will not accept anything less than who I am and thus, will not accept anything less from another, as one with who I am. I commit myself that I will express love as a statement of who I am within/as honoring myself through self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application to bring about self-change that is best for all as myself and so I will not accept and allow anything less than me within/as this statement, not in my life or another as me as equal and one as life.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that I use the word ‘love’ whenever I want to run away from the responsibility of me in and as my physical world, that I use love as a scapegoat/excuse to not face myself in and as this physical real world through facing my fear of being alone. I commit myself to assist and support myself to face my fear of being alone through investigating within me in self-honesty the origin and reasons for this fear and that I will not accept and allow myself to sabotage myself/deceive myself from facing this fear by hiding in relationships connected by love.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use love/being in love as a way of evading self-responsibility in that, when in love, I chose not to see reality and just preferred dwelling in the nice warm feeling of love energy and how it made me feel ‘complete’ rather than focusing on accomplishing that which was/is real in my reality like fully dedicating myself to my studies and not waste time through spending it with the one I love simply because iv deceived myself to feeling ‘complete’ around them.
I commit myself to focus on my reality and that which needs to be accomplished within my reality into bringing about a world that is best for all and that I will not deceive myself in spending all my time around a person I claim to love because of the illusion that ‘I am complete around this person’. From within this as well, I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand that who I am do not need/require anything or anyone outside myself to ‘be complete’ because this is inequality, that, by saying ‘another completes me’ is me accepting and allowing me to be incomplete and thus will place more value in another as the point within which I can be complete making this the point of separation hence inequality, instead of simply realizing the completeness of who I am within and as the stability of every single breath, equal and one with all as all.
Next Blog: Day 37 - DECEIVED BY LOVE - Part 4
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that REAL love is love towards self/self-love, LOVE as a statement that I will not accept anything less than who I am and thus, will not accept anything less from another, as one with who I am. I commit myself that I will express love as a statement of who I am within/as honoring myself through self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application to bring about self-change that is best for all as myself and so I will not accept and allow anything less than me within/as this statement, not in my life or another as me as equal and one as life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use love/being in love as a way of evading self-responsibility in that, when in love, I chose not to see reality and just preferred dwelling in the nice warm feeling of love energy and how it made me feel ‘complete’ rather than focusing on accomplishing that which was/is real in my reality like fully dedicating myself to my studies and not waste time through spending it with the one I love simply because iv deceived myself to feeling ‘complete’ around them.
I commit myself to focus on my reality and that which needs to be accomplished within my reality into bringing about a world that is best for all and that I will not deceive myself in spending all my time around a person I claim to love because of the illusion that ‘I am complete around this person’. From within this as well, I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand that who I am do not need/require anything or anyone outside myself to ‘be complete’ because this is inequality, that, by saying ‘another completes me’ is me accepting and allowing me to be incomplete and thus will place more value in another as the point within which I can be complete making this the point of separation hence inequality, instead of simply realizing the completeness of who I am within and as the stability of every single breath, equal and one with all as all.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use love to deceive/lure a person/a man into my world where I prefer to keep them there and keep manipulating them with love so that they can remain with me in my world for as long as possible so I won’t have to be alone, thus leading to not only self-irresponsibility towards me in and as my world but also the other person/man become irresponsible towards their world as well and we both remain in our blindness as this irresponsibility which has led to adverse consequences in this world.