Self-Corrective Statements/Self Commitment.
I commit myself to taking responsibility to me for me through self writing, reading and not take this commitment of me for me as boring and hence end up creating reactions of boredom and apathy, from within this as well, I commit myself to not use the boredom that I generate as a reaction of not taking responsibility for me as an excuse to entertain myself through watching TV/movies or surfing the net. I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself to seeing realizing and understanding that by connecting the thought of seeing tasks like self writing/blogging, chores as difficult, time consuming and or boring triggers within me the reactions of boredom and lack of interest/apathy towards the fulfillment of my daily requirements/responsibilities.
I commit myself to when and as I am aware that I am or I am about to participate within energy generated within and as the relationship of my thoughts, imaginations and or backchats as well as reaction I shall breath and stop myself from participating within energy and from within this, I commit myself to assist and support myself to see realize and understand that participating within energy is a way that my mind uses to get more energy for itself and I generate this energy for my mind through participation and hence end up sabotaging responsibility of me towards me by dwelling in mind energy and wasting time, time I would have used to do real physical practical activities like self writing, house chores in order to stand from laziness into a self disciplines consistent person.
I commit myself to whenever I see myself connecting the thought of seeing myself seated on the couch watching TV to the positive energetic reaction/experience of enthusiasm/excitement which I then embody as myself, I shall breath and stop myself from participating within this thought for a see, realize and understand that this is just a way that my mind gets me to generate more energy for its survival and that who I am is not an energetic experience but a real physical living being in and as my physical body.
I commit myself to assist and support myself see realize and understand that I abdicate/sabotage responsibility towards myself through using the excuses of boredom and apathy reactions by regarding self responsibility for me through writing/blogging, reading, chores as difficult, time consuming and or boring.
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