Self Corrective/Commitment Statements
I commit myself to, in that moment when I am faced by real life practical responsibilities like self writing or chores and I instead become aware of myself drifting into the alternate reality as my imagination and or back chats (that activate the laziness character)of having conversations in my mind in/as backchats within/as energetic experiences, I shall stop myself from participating within this through or by taking in a deep in breath and an out breath to bring myself back to physical HEREness of the moment in and as full awareness and practically will myself to physically do that which need to be done and accomplished like for example physically positioning my fingers on the keyboard and start typing in/as self writing or physically walking to the kitchen, opening the tap water and start washing dishes etc.

I commit myself to, in any moment when I become of aware of myself participating within/as back chats in /as the alternate reality of imaginations, I shall stop myself from participating by immediately taking in a deep in breath to stabilize my awareness back to physical hereness of the moment.
I commit myself, to when I become aware of my participation within/as backchats and/or imagination, energy, I shall physically move myself through/by taking in an in breath and an out breath to move myself from the separation of self in/as mind hereness to/as the equality and oneness of/as the physical here, to position my fingers on the computer keyboard and start typing myself into/as blog or physically lifting a mop and cleaning the floor etc. within this I commit myself to when and as I see myself participating within mind and energy and not immediately moving myself as the corrective physical application/real doing to within this immediately see realize and understand that I am sabotaging/compromising myself in/as the process of standing up for myself/life and not allow any bullshit of mind and energy to distort/derail the responsibility of myself to me/my life in as the real world which is the physical.
I commit myself in and as the realization that, I over an extended period of time through the laziness character have created a relationship between energy, imagination and or backchats, had not seen realized and understood that every time/moment I gave into energy, I gave up on myself and thus ended up creating layers upon layers of energy in various dimensions /physical mind memory which has manifested into/as my entire personality system which can be/is activated during moments when I face responsibilities, give up on myself and instead participate within energy/mind through backchats and or imagination.
I commit myself to when I face resistance within self writing/self responsibilities/tasks, I shall breath and stop myself from participating within this resistance and from here assist and support myself in directing me to physically and practically walk out of energy experiences into real physical practical reality, that of physically doing/fulfilling my duties/tasks/responsibilities, for I have realized and understood that whatever moment I faced/face responsibility, gave/give up on me and gave/give into energy, I in turn create an entire personality system of me that has manifested as a physical-mind memory layer/energy layers/dimensions of and as my personality and thus, through my laziness character which is clearly an indication that I give up on me and give into energy, I end up activating this entire personality system which contributes to the resistance that I face when it comes to physically and practically walking all my tasks/responsibilities.
I commit myself to not use resistance as an excuse/scapegoat from taking responsibility , as I see that its a form of mind manipulation to not take responsibility for myself and my reality and hence I shall assist and support myself to step out of energy into real physical practical reality as the directive principle of my world for I understand that each moment I take responsibility for my practical reality is a moment I stand with me as the physical walking from energy experience into real physical practical living. Becoming alive/living in/as the physical.
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