Self Forgiveness Statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in the moment where I am faced by real practical responsibilities/tasks/chores like self writing/blogging or house chores that need to be fulfilled during certain moments evade/escape/abdicate/compromise my SELF as this responsibilities when I instead create an alternate reality of myself in/as energetic experiences in my mind through imagination and back chats that I participate within and as.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, through in/as the laziness character, create an energy relationship to time whereby, from my imagination of sitting on the couch with a remote in my hand end up creating backchats like, I have lots of time still, so I shall do this later or like I am a last minute person and so from within this, it is evident that I am compromising myself and my self responsibility by participating and dwelling in/as the mind through imagination and backchats thus creating and experiencing myself as just energy and not real substantial reality of self writing by placing my hands on keyboard and typing.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how I end up generating negative energy towards my responsibilities in regards to time in/as the mind when I participate within/as back chats of oh shit, now I don't have time to do and finish my responsibilities or now I am tired or it is too late to do this now/today so ill do this tomorrow where in the end I accept myself as this negative energy and my negative energetic experiences thereof and thus end up remaining in the same spot as the experience of me instead of changing me by physically and practically getting things done that need to be done and on time hence walking effectively from the laziness character to effective living.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, from within/as my imagination and backchats, jump/go from positive energetic experience within/as myself when I imagine of that which I want to do like watching TV which is further fueled with positive energy through backchats like I need some me time/watching a little TV wont hurt/I am a last minute person, I work best under pressure, to the exact opposite negative energetic experiences whereby I imagine how difficult/boring my responsibilities/chores/tasks are which as well is further fueled by more negative energy from back chats like ill do this later/I have too much to do now that I have a child and all this is just an energy polarity game which I accept and allow myself to exist within/as through my participation in these imaginations and back chats.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in my laziness character exist within and as both the positive and negative energetic experiences simultaneously through imaginations and back chats that occur 'simultaneously' , For instance when I have a positive imagination experience of watching TV and negative energetic experience of a backchat towards tasks of myself that I must fulfill by finding them boring or too difficult all existing as words of one sentence in my mind which is like: I am going to watch some TV right now as self writing/blogging is too difficult or boring and thus in this, I end up choosing doing that which fulfills my positive energy experience (though not necessary) and discarding that which gives me negative energetic experiences even though it supports me to self realize in the long run, this is purely self sabotage and leads me to remain in the laziness character, so from this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise my self as process/the decision by fulfilling just my wants and pushing that which needs to be done like self writing to the side to do later/postpone.
I forgive myself that I have accepted myself to not see, realize and understand that, by accepting and allowing me to exist in and as this relationship of self to energy as imagination and backchats is just self sabotage/self compromise in that I choose to remain unreal as just an energetic experience rather than be Here in and as the Physical which is real and measurable through participating and walking the whole process of practically getting done all that needs to be done in order to assist and support myself birth myself as life from the physical and bring about a world that is best for all through leading an exemplary life of/as that which is best for all in every moment of breath.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use resistance as an excuse and justification to sabotage/compromise responsibility towards me by giving in to energy and energetic experiences thereof and giving up on me and my SELF responsibility towards/as my very living.
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