Saturday, 13 April 2013


Self Corrective/Commitment Statements.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself activating the laziness character through imagination, that occurs when I am imagining scenarios in my mind which in most cases have nothing to do with current reality that I am facing rather than seeing what is right Here in front of me as real physical reality of things that need to be practically done and finished, I shall stop/will myself not to participate in imagination through taking a deep in breath and an out breath and physically start doing that which need to be done like physically walking to the kitchen, opening tap water and begin washing dishes  or physically placing my fingers on the keyboard and start writing my blog etc. within this, I also commit myself to always be the directive principle in each task/responsibility within and as breath in each moment.
I see realize and understand that, I have tasks/duties/chores/responsibilities that I must fulfill during each day like self writing/blogging/house chores etc. before I engage in doing other activities that do not require necessity to be fulfilled (which are actually my wants) like watching TV , surfing the net etc. and so in this, I COMMIT myself to ensure that I dedicatedly work on and finish all my daily required responsibilities/tasks/chores/duties instead of imagining them done/doing them in my mind but not real physical doing, before I engage in my wants.
I commit myself to not exist within or participate within the imagination that fuels the laziness character within me, and that any moment I find myself existing or participating within imagination, I top, I breath to stabilize myself and I delete this imaginations or simply choose not to participate.
I see, realize and understand that participating within/as imagination, I am actually creating positive energy through imagining my wants like watching TV as entertaining or negative energies through imagining my responsibilities as boring/difficult, which is just a polarity game whereby I end up feeding the mind with these energies hence fueling it  even more to direct me instead of being/willing myself to be the directive principle in and as my life and thus, I COMMIT myself to in/as the process of going from laziness to self commitment/self discipline/self consistency, so as to not deliberately sabotage /compromise myself in and as my practical reality responsibilities for energy/energetic experiences that just lead me into  and as separation from myself in and as my physical world.
I commit myself to not allow responsibilities/tasks/chores to pile up through postponement which I do when I imagine change instead of actually practically physically changing through physically doing and finishing all that requires to be done, thus no laziness.
I commit myself to utilize imagination into only as living practical support when I need to plan/map out how I can practically walk and fulfill all that requires to be done like self writing/blogging, house chores etc. till done.
I commit myself to not imagine change, but to practically walk the process of practical physical change as the change itself so as to change the current lazy me into a new me that is dedicated and discipline and consistent in living an exemplary life as the directive principle of that which is best for all.

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