I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
compete with others for the spotlight of beauty.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
compete with others by wanting to be the one who is more beautiful than another
so that I can get good compliments and thus feel good about myself. From within
this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect
beauty to the ‘feeling good’ experience within and as myself through receiving
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
breath and stop myself from participating within thoughts and imaginations and
backchats of how and what others will think and say about me whether I am more
or less beautiful than other women in the clothes I wear.
I commit myself assist and support myself to,
whenever I find myself going into imagination of what others will think and say
about when I present myself to them within and as the clothes I wear, to breath
and stop myself from participating within such imaginations for I realize that,
imagining what others will think and say about me is actually me judging
myself, how I imagine others judging me is actually how I am busy judging
myself and that others have nothing to do within me judging me, me not
accepting me for me. From within this, I commit myself to assist and support
myself to stop judging myself as more or less than who I am as life within each
moment of breath, through the kinds of clothes I wear.
I commit myself to stop comparing myself to
others or others to me for I see and realize that, from within comparison, I
start to compete with others especially women for attention and the spot light
of beauty especially from men. I also see and realize that, I compete with
others for attention because I am not paying attention to myself within and as
my living in and as my physical body in every moment of breath and thus, I
commit myself to pay more attention to myself as my total awareness of and as
my every breath in each moment, so that I eventually become consistent in
becoming/being the directive principle of my life through taking
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
use make up and clothes as a way to compete with others on who is more
I commit myself to assist and support myself
to, whenever I find myself participating in competition with women through
clothes and makeup so as to appear as the most beautiful person/woman, I shall
stop and breath and participate no further in such completion for I realize
that this is just an illusion that I create of myself of being more than who I
really am in each moment of breath Here.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
no longer use clothes and makeup as a way of making/seeing myself as more or
less that who/what I really am in every moment of breath. I realize that who I
am within and as my physical body in my physical environment is not defined,
enhanced/diminished by clothes or makeup, but that who I am simply IS as IS.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
use make-up to suppress/hide/cover up the fact that I have a negative
perception about myself, whereby I feel un-attractive/not beautiful enough and
thus inferior to those that I deem as more beautiful than myself.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to
stop using make up to suppress this negative perception of myself , instead of
suppressing/covering up, I commit myself to assist and support myself to
investigate what it is that I suppress by using makeup and apply
self-forgiveness and lift myself from
the suppression.
Next Blog: Day 49: THE 'I' OF BEAUTY - Part 7
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