Friday, 13 July 2012

DAY 9: FEAR OF DEATH PRISON - Part 5 The word 'DEATH' Re-defined


1. Gathering information:

a.   Establishing self’s allocation point how I have been living this word.

·         I see death as loss of life

·         I associate death with a lot of pain when I ‘lose’ loved ones to death or when others ‘lose’ a loved one to death still erupts a lot of pain in me.

·         Whenever I heard of death, immediately immense fear was manifesting within me as I feared losing myself when I die and also losing all my relationships to others or possessions.

·         Death also acts as a reminder to me that I have not actually lived to even consider dying.

DEATH (-ve charged word)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to charge the word‘death with a negative charge.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word‘death’ as negative, bad.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the word ‘death as negative, bad.

b.   Dictionary Definition:

·         A permanent cessation of all vital functions: the end of life

·         The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism

·         An instance of dying <a disease causing many deaths>The cause or occasion of loss of life <drinking was the death of him>b: a cause of ruin <the slander that was death to my character.

·         The destroyer of life represented usually as a skeleton with a scythe

·         The state of being dead

·         The passing or destruction of something inanimate <the death of vaudeville>b:extinction

·         The lie of life in matter : that which is unreal and untrue

c.   Sounding the word.

‘de – earth’

Death – the earth – returning to the earth.’

‘dare -  th (dare-thee)’.

2.   Investigating the information of the word that has been gathered


The word death to me is bad/negative as it is a reminder of losing family and friends. I associate the word death with immense fear as I fear my own death because I think I will cease to exist when I die, or that death is a painful experience and not knowing what will happen to me after I die makes my experience of this word even worse as it generates lots of fear within me.

3.    New definition

a.   Creative writing.

De-earth- the earth - to earth something or someone/to return to the earth

b.   Writing the NEW definition:
This when a life form changes the state it currently exists within into a new one/new state.

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