I realize that the only purpose of fear (including my fear of loss when
I die) is to make sure that, I don’t realize who I am as life as all as one as
equal as myself and live.
I realize that fear of loss through death is useless, ineffective and
irrelevant and will not protect nor help me, and that it merely makes me suffer
as I exist within it.
I realize that I cannot lose anything as who I am as life encompasses
and includes all that there is as one as equal as all as myself, even death.
I realize that fear of loss exists within and as myself as a consequence
of my very starting point that is the eminent desire within me of wanting to
hold onto what I have created (Through my acceptance and allowance) through the
fear of losing it.
I realize that if I continue existing within and as the fear of loss, I
will actually lose that what I have created and fear losing.
I realize that all forms of fear including my fear of loss in regards to
death, come from me hiding from myself, from dishonesty and that if I live
without hiding from myself, absolutely clear, open, in what’s best for all: NO
FEAR EXISTS(and this is how and where constant bliss exists)- nothing to hide,
no secrets. This is the reward of self-honesty.
I commit myself to no longer exist within and as the fear of loss (even
after death)
I commit myself to no longer accept and allow myself to create and live
as the starting point of the fear of loss.
I commit myself to stop myself from participating within the fear of
death as the fear of loss (regards to what I shall lose when I die).
I commit myself to embracing the fear of loss through death, and stand
equal and one to and as this fear of
loss through death and from within this fear, stand up.
I commit myself to just laugh (as this is something my mind does not
expect) as laughing will assist within breaking the hold fear of loss through
death has over me, ie I simply laugh at myself for accepting and allowing
myself to participate in the useless fear of loss through death.
I commit myself to standing up within and as my fear of loss through
death because I realize that all that this fear does is control me and that if
I stand up within and as this fear I will become one and equal to and as this
fear and hence can and will direct and control me/myself.
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