Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements Continued:
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted
and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that happiness is a way that
the mind uses to resource energy from the physical body for its own survival
and that when I experience myself as happiness/when I feel happy, it is because
I accept and allow myself to participate within this process whereby the mind
resources energy from the physical body in the form of happiness.
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to support the mind resource energy from within and
as my physical body through my participation in and as a happy moment/happiness
and thus making the physical body unstable/dis eased.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand how I as my
mind use happiness as an energy source for survival and that when I do this,,
the one that suffer is I as my physical body because in reality, I don’t need
happiness energy feeling so that I can be HERE, I am already HERE in and as the
stability of my physical body and so happiness only serves self-interest of and
as the mind consciousness system, interest of energy.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself to stop altering the stability of and as my
physical body through my participation in the process (thoughts, imaginations,
backchats, reactions, consequences) from within which the mind resource happiness
energy from my physical body thus altering its very stability.
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to alter the state of my physical body from
stability to instability through happiness from within which I experienced my
body internally change as a rush of warmth from my solar plexus area to my
chest area, making my chest rhythmically expand and contract.
I forgive myself that I have accepted
and allowed myself to externally alter the stability of my physical body
through happiness from within which I as my body became jumpy, walked faster,
smiled a lot and laughed.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand how
I accept and allow myself to separate myself from and as my physical body
so often to the extent that I do not even realize how within a given moment,
from within/as the dimensions of thoughts, imaginations,
backchats and reactions of HAPPINESS alter the stability of my physical body, internally
as a rush of warmth from my solar plexus area to my chest area, making my chest
rhythmically expand and contract and externally when I became jumpy, walk
faster, smile a lot and laugh and the tonality of my voice become louder.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself to not disregard/ignore the existence
of my physical body as myself as a being that is alive, Here and
aware of its own existence and thus can feel pain and suffering that I, through
participation in as energy e.g. Happiness bestow upon it and from within this,
I commit myself to live in harmony in/as my physical
body through taking responsibility for myself from within and as the stability of my
body and through stopping my participation within/as mind/energy, happiness,
for this alters the very stability of the physical body and creates discomfort
and dis ease, therefore dis-harmony
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to look for happiness outside myself thus separating
myself from happiness.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted
and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that separating myself from
happiness indicates to me that I don’t have happiness hence I am not happy with
myself and so instead of looking for happiness ‘out there’ within someone or
something, I should investigate the reason why I am not happy with myself and
change that which I am not happy with always from within and as the starting
point of what’s best for all.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself through self-honesty, write self-forgiveness
and self-correction to realize and express myself as the joy of life within oneness
and equality, joy as a statement/principle/the presence of who I am as life,
constant, stable presence, here as every breath.
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