Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Day 43: THE 'I' OF BEAUTY - Part 1

The other day, as I was preparing myself and my daughter to go out for a walk, it took me quite some time to ‘find’ something to wear. This is because I kept asking myself; do I look good in this outfit? First, I would think of what to wear and think of how I would look in what I will wear. Then I would go into the imagination of how will other people see me in this clothes, I would imagine them complimenting me or looking at me. Then I’d put the clothes on, go to the mirror and check myself out and I would have these internal conversations/backchats:

·         Hhhhmmm, this makes me look old,

·         Or these is too sexy and not mother like,

·         Or these makes my ass look bigger

·         Or these makes me look fat

·         Or these don’t flutter my body type

·         Or these don’t compliment my skin tone

·         This I look perfect in these etc.

And finally, after finding something that I ‘liked’, I went on to dress the baby, and with her, I also would dress her while thinking if she looks good in the clothes, thoughts like:

·         Does she look more beautiful?

·         Do the clothes make her look darker/lighter?

These we the main point I considered while dressing the baby. All this thoughts in my mind were because I feared not looking good/presentable/beautiful in the eyes of other people and so I made such a big effort to alter my physical outlook so that I can fit in as this perfect picture presentation for others. And now, I am even projecting my beauty fears to my child by doing the same exact things to her that I do to me. Not seeing realizing or understanding how it is that I am already in the process of programming this fear into the child and she will also become and live this very same fear.

Waay back when I was a child, I had this aunty who used to compare me and my siblings with other children. She would say that we are children that come from Bochura the village of thieves and that other children from other villages were better than us. From this memory, already comparison had settled in me and as a grew older, I started comparing other people by judging them as less or more than me. The ones that seemed better than me in whatever way, I competed with them so as to ‘outshine/beat’ them and the ones that seemed less than me, gave me a sense of security in who I was as EGO/self-interest, gave me the feeling/satisfaction of my superiority over them.

The definition of who I am as beauty sprang from this source where I compare myself to others by judging them as more or less than me. And so this drives/propels me to this point of competition.  I am competing with others for the spotlight of the most beautiful. I compete with others for the spotlight of ‘good compliments’ for they make me feel good about myself and further reinforce the need/desire for me to always staying in the competition so as to maintain my position in the spotlight. And since what others think and say about me is important to enhance or diminish my position of beauty in the spotlight, I ensure that the starting point of that which I do in order to present a picture perfect illusion of myself is to be noticed/fit in/approved/liked/deemed as normal by others/by society like for example wearing sexy clothes that flatter my figure, wearing makeup.

Another point which is obvious in how I perceive beauty to be as who I am is in regards to sex. Apparently, I just like many other women use beauty to lure men to have sex with me or make men desire to have sex with me. This I, just like many other women do this through clothes and makeup whereby, I dress myself in such a way that a man will find me beautiful/attractive and will want to have sex with me or be in a relationship with me. This is utter manipulation where I use beauty to lure men into fulfilling my self-interest ways/EGO through forming a relationship of and or sex with men. So I just like many other women are participating in our current beauty system presentation/manifestation where we compete with each other to outshine each other in picture presenting me/us to men for a relationship or sex or both.

Another point is how the media; TV shows, the fashion world of catwalk couture models, magazines and newspapers, has contributed extensively to shaping my world of beauty whereby, I, just like many other women compare myself to the skinny pretty women on TV, magazines, advertisements and judge myself all as less than them by wanting to look like them i.e., want to lose weight and look like them or be able to fit in tight small skimpy clothes so that I can look appealing/attractive to others especially. Thus showing the reality of myself within and as the current manifested beauty society where I, just like many other women, have become a commodity through the very ways I compete with other women by altering my physical outlook to embody the beauty picture which is really like advertising myself as a commodity of beauty in the market of beauty. And how do I get the satisfaction that I have sold myself and someone has bought me? Through their/others approval of me, accepting me,  getting the men to desire me for sex and women to be jealous of me for outshining them or I get jealous when others outshine me in beauty and hence will compete even harder so I don’t feel left out/the outcast/ugly one etc. and what is all this? FEAR! Fear of whom? FEAR OF MYSELF.

As a parent, like many other parents, I am busy projecting this fear to my child, so that they can also fear themselves. I never wanted to see how it is that I am responsible for instilling this fear in my child, how SELFISH of me as a parent? How selfish of us as parents to do this to our children? What’s even worse is that we choose not to see how it is exactly that we do this while it is right in front of our eyes, as daily routine, so clear, but we choose to remain blind by playing by the rules as this is what we accept and allow as normal. Is fear normal? NO

I have several more DIMENSIONS of beauty to write about. I shall do this as I unfold/untangle myself from within and as the beauty system. Walk with for more.


Monday, 10 June 2013

Day 42: DRIVING IS SEXY - Part 2

Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements Continued:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit the expression of myself as life within and as the feeling of happiness.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that happiness is a way that the mind uses to resource energy from the physical body for its own survival and that when I experience myself as happiness/when I feel happy, it is because I accept and allow myself to participate within this process whereby the mind resources energy from the physical body in the form of happiness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to support the mind resource energy from within and as my physical body through my participation in and as a happy moment/happiness and thus making the physical body unstable/dis eased.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand how I as my mind use happiness as an energy source for survival and that when I do this,, the one that suffer is I as my physical body because in reality, I don’t need happiness energy feeling so that I can be HERE, I am already HERE in and as the stability of my physical body and so happiness only serves self-interest of and as the mind consciousness system, interest of energy.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop altering the stability of and as my physical body through my participation in the process (thoughts, imaginations, backchats, reactions, consequences) from within which the mind resource happiness energy from my physical body thus altering its very stability.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to alter the state of my physical body from stability to instability through happiness from within which I experienced my body internally change as a rush of warmth from my solar plexus area to my chest area, making my chest rhythmically expand and contract.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to externally alter the stability of my physical body through happiness from within which I as my body became jumpy, walked faster, smiled a lot and laughed.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand how I accept and allow myself to separate myself from and as my physical body so often to the extent that I do not even realize how within a given moment, from within/as the dimensions of thoughts, imaginations, backchats and reactions of HAPPINESS alter the stability of my physical body, internally as a rush of warmth from my solar plexus area to my chest area, making my chest rhythmically expand and contract and externally when I became jumpy, walk faster, smile a lot and laugh and the tonality of my voice become louder.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to not disregard/ignore the existence of my physical body as myself as a being that is alive, Here and aware of its own existence and thus can feel pain and suffering that I, through participation in as energy e.g. Happiness bestow upon it and from within this, I commit myself to live in harmony in/as my physical body through taking responsibility for myself from  within and as the stability of my body and through stopping my participation within/as mind/energy, happiness, for this alters the very stability of the physical body and creates discomfort and dis ease, therefore dis-harmony
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look for happiness outside myself thus separating myself from happiness.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that separating myself from happiness indicates to me that I don’t have happiness hence I am not happy with myself and so instead of looking for happiness ‘out there’ within someone or something, I should investigate the reason why I am not happy with myself and change that which I am not happy with always from within and as the starting point of what’s best for all.
I commit myself to assist and support myself through self-honesty, write self-forgiveness and self-correction to realize and express myself as the joy of life within oneness and equality, joy as a statement/principle/the presence of who I am as life, constant, stable presence, here as every breath.

Day 41: DRIVING IS SEXY - Part 1

Self Writing

The other day as I escorted someone/partner to go for a test drive, I was overly excited happy just seeing (Thought) him behind the wheel of a car. As we all walked to the driving test school, I was already thinking of seeing him drive away as I had never seen him drive before. I imagined us all going for a nice long drive in a nice convertible car on a hot summer day, I imagined the kind of car I would like us to buy/drive. This made me feel very happy. I had backchats like ‘hhhmmm, driving is sexy. This made me react in even more happiness. Physically, I felt this warm feeling that vibrated my body from my stomach area, chest rhythmically expanded and contracted, smile on my face and laughter. I was also a bit ‘jumpy’ and walked a bit faster as I anticipated arriving at the school faster so that I can see him behind the wheel looking sexy as he drove off. This is not the first time I gone through the whole of this process of generating happiness from the thought of seeing my partner drive and considering it as sexy.

Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the feeling of happiness.
I realize that that if I exist within and as the feeling of happiness, I am only limiting myself to exist as just energy and energy is not real thus I am not real within happiness as well thus I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop myself from limiting myself within and as the energetic feeling of happiness/excitement.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within the feeling of happiness/excitement.
Any moment I become aware of myself about to participate or already participating in happiness/excitement feelings, I shall breathe and stop myself from any participation.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within and as the feeling of happiness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that happiness exists.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that happiness only exists because sadness exists.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop participating within and as the polarity of happiness and sadness and so, any moment I find myself see-sawing between the energies of happiness and sadness, I shall breath and immediately stop myself from participating.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define happiness within the thought of seeing my partner behind the wheel of a car i.e. about to drive a car.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate/connect driving a car to sex thus generating happy feelings juts by thinking of having sex in a car.
I commit myself to, any moment I find myself about to participate or already participating within thoughts that lead me to generate the feeling of happiness/excitement like for example the thought of seeing my partner behind the wheel of a car i.e. about to drive a car or associating driving a car to sex, I shall BREATH and stop myself from participating and from within and as breath, bring myself back to the physical reality of whatever it is that I am physically doing in a given moment for this is what is real.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define happiness within and as the imagination of seeing my family and I going for a long drive in a nice convertible car on a hot summer day and the imagination of the kind of car I would like to buy/drive.
I commit myself to BREATH and stop myself from participating in any kind of imagination from within which I react in/manifest happiness feelings. I commit myself to breathe and stop myself from participating within the imagination of seeing my family and I going for a long drive in a nice convertible car on a hot summer day and the imagination of the kind of car I would like to buy/drive for I realize that through these imaginations, I end up ‘being’ happy and my awareness of the moment is disrupted for I stop actively participating in my physical reality in awareness and shift my awareness into and my mind in the form of imagination and thus generate happiness which is not real but rather it’s a product of my imagination, and in this context, I separate myself from happiness as I define/base my happiness outside myself in, ‘out there’ within imagination.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, from imagining myself going for a long drive in a nice convertible car on a hot summer day and the imagination of the kind of can I would like to buy/drive went into the backchat/internal conversations of ‘hhmmm driving is sexy’, which further prolonged/reinforced the experience of myself within and as happiness.
I commit myself to whenever I find myself about to participate or already participating within backchats that make me fall into happiness like ‘hmmm, driving is sexy’, I shall BREATH and STOP myself from participating within these backchats, for I realize that these backchats only further reinforce the experience of myself as energy in the form of happiness whereby I end up losing touch with reality of myself within and as my physical body in this physical world.
Next Blog: Day 42: DRIVING IS SEXY - Part 2