Today, after receiving certain
news, I felt anger towards myself for not being like the other person. This came
about because I went into comparison where I started comparing myself to the
other person and thus became angry that I am not like them, I felt inferior to
them. I was jealous because I felt that they are better than me/superior to me
and that, others like this person more than they like me. I also ended up
reacting in anger around the people I was with. This was quite a short but
intense reaction and so I shall do self-forgiveness.

I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to compare myself to other people, after hearing
news about what they have that I don’t have, from within this, I forgive myself
that I have accepted and allowed myself to react in anger because I thought of
myself as inferior/less than the other person because the other person has something/has
achieved something that I have not achieved and hence view them as better or
superior to me.
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to react with jealousy /to become jealous of
another person because of something that they have/have attained that I have
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as less than another person because
of what the other person has achieved that I have not.
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to, through judgment, compared myself to another
person because the other person has attained something that I perceive myself
not to have attained and hence see myself as inferior to the other person.
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to exert my anger to the people around me.
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to perceive myself as a failure because I don’t have/have
not attained what other people have
I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to perceive myself as less than who I am when people
like me less than they like another, from within this, I forgive myself that I have
accepted and allowed myself to perceive others as more that who they really are
because they are liked more than me.
Self-Realizations and Self-Commitment Statements.
I realize that, I when I began judging
myself/comparing myself to another, looking at what they had/had attained that I
did not have/have not attained, I immediately judged myself as less
than/inferior to this person.
Any moment
I find myself judging/comparing myself to another by looking at what they
have/have attained that I don’t have/have not attained that lead me to feeling
inferior to the other persons, I shall Breath and Stop myself from
participating within such judgment and comparison, for I further realize that,
who I am is Here within and as breath and no more or less than just that, and
any point where I find myself going into a point of judgment or comparison as
more or less that who I really am within and as breath, I shall simply breath
and not participate and remain HERE.
It is from this comparison that I
also became jealous of the person(s) for having something that I do not have, I
felt bad that they have/have attained this something that I have not and hence
the jealousy.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself to, Any moment when I find myself going
into jealousy because of what another person has that I don’t have, I shall
breath and stop myself from participating within the jealousy.
From within
this, I also commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and
understand that, jealousy only comes about when I compare myself to others and thereafter
judge myself as inferior to them and so, any moment I find myself in jealousy, I
shall not only stop participation immediately but will also investigate where
the jealousy is coming from and immediately apply self-forgiveness and
corrective living thereafter.
I also realize that, the anger I felt was
actually towards myself for having reacted in anger that others have attained
what I have not and I even went further reacting in more anger by being angry
at myself for participating in all these reactions and backchats (mind energy
I commit myself to assist and support myself
to any moment I find myself about to react in anger, I shall immediately BREATH
and STOP myself from participating within and form of anger, for I further
realize that, anger is really harmful both to my myself as my physical body and
to others as well, and that, reacting in anger does not solve anything, but
just prolongs the problem that I currently face in the first place, thus, for
me to really focus on solving physically the problem in the first place, I have
to stop any of my participation anger, so that the solution can be really REAL.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to instead of going into anger
reaction, investigate the problem physically and apply physical solutions like,
self-writing, self-forgiveness and corrective living.
I realize that, instead of going
into all this reactions, I should just breath and stop myself from
participating within such mind games, that instead of reacting to what another
has attained, I should instead learn from them by finding out how they attained
what they attained and walk the process of attaining
this very thing myself instead of reacting in anger and jealousy.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself to, any moment when and as I see myself
reacting to what another is/has attained, I shall breath and stop myself from
participating in such reaction like anger, jealousy, frustration, sadness.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to learning from the other people
on how it is that they walked to attain what they attained so that, I can walk
this myself and attain this for myself as well not from the starting point of
competition and wanting to be better that the other, no.
I realize that, the anger I was
experiencing was anger directed to myself for not walking my process with the
discipline that I ought to walk within and as, the consistency. I commit myself
to assist and support myself to walk the process of becoming the real physical
living discipline through and as self-writing, self-forgiveness all the way to
corrective living so as to become a living example of what it means to be and
live change as what’s best for all.
I also realize that, exerting my
anger towards another because of my inner conflicts that I had just accepted
and allowed myself to participate within and as is completely unacceptable and
self-dishonest, this should simply never happen.
I commit
myself to assist and support myself, to when and as I see myself about to exert
my anger on another, I shall stop and breathe and will not allow myself to
participate within exerting my anger on another.
I also
commit myself to assist and support myself to, any moment I find myself already
overwhelmed by anger, instead of exerting it on another, I shall simply move to
another room and ensure that I am alone, from where I shall breathe until I am
completely stable before I can again come into contact with those near me.
I also realize that, the point
where I felt I had not attained or achieved something that another had achieved
was a point of separation whereby I separated myself from this very point and
thus, me seeing it manifest in another generated a desire within me to also
want to achieve this point.